Federal inmate lookup with pictures
Federal inmate lookup with pictures

federal inmate lookup with pictures

federal inmate lookup with pictures

If you fail to report an incident, you could be found to While you were in our facility, we urge you to report it by calling 43 and asking to speak to a

federal inmate lookup with pictures

If you were the victim of a sexual assault while in custody, or if you know of an incident that occurred Department of Justice website: PREA Reporting Form You can learn more about PREA at the U.S. The Cache County Sheriff's Office has developed uniform guidelines and procedures to reduce the risk of in-custody sexual assaults and sexual misconduct. The Cache County Sheriff’s Office is committed to a zero-tolerance standard and supports the prosecution of persons who commit acts of sexual misconduct and sexual assault in its facility. It also increases available data on such acts. PREA sets the standard that protects the Eighth Amendment rights of federal, state, and local prisoners, making the prevention of sexual assault a top priority. The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) establishes a zero-tolerance standard against sexual assaults and rapes of inmates. Mail for inmates no longer incarcerated at CCJ will be returned to the sender. Cache County Jail does not forward mail.Exceptions include pre-approved medical, attorney-client mail marked with the designation of “legal privileged mail” or words to that effect, and softcover books (see books and magazines above). A package is defined as a box or mail item (special delivery, UPS, etc.) larger/thicker than a letter that contains what a reasonable person would observe to be over 100 pages (1/2” thick) of material. Packages from private residences, businesses, or post office boxes will be returned to the sender.Once the inmate is released or transferred to another facility, the book becomes part of the Cache County Jail Library.Nothing can be written in or added to the book. Should you want to send a specific book to an inmate, it must be directly mailed from a bookstore, publisher, or retail outlet. Books and magazines are available through the Jail Library.After 7 days all incoming mail and photographs, except legal and privileged mail, are disposed of as the inmates have access to that mail in the scanned form.Please do not send photographs that you wish to be preserved. Inmates' photographs will be scanned and delivered electronically.The inmate's name and name number must be written on the back of each photograph. (No more than 5 photographs in an envelope) The photographs may not exceed 5 inches by 7 inches in size. Photographs may be mailed to the inmate.Mail cannot have glitter, perfume, lipstick, or any obscene material, gang-related, stickers, tattoo patterns, textiles, adhesives, tape, white-out, metallic/glitter pen, crayon, marker, paint, perfume, plastic, rubber, staples, or any metal.Mail for inmates need to be sent to the following address:.


Mail must have the sender's full name and complete return address.Mail received other than authorized items will be returned to the sender.Outgoing mail from inmates will be in the form of a postcard or e-message.All incoming mail, except other specifically approved items, must be no larger than an 8.5 by 11 inches letter (regular paper/no card stock) or in the form of an e-message.

Federal inmate lookup with pictures