Half-Life 2 was also originally intended to be much more diverse in settings. Half-Life 2 was originally intended to be a far darker game with far grittier artwork where the Combine were more obviously draining the oceans for minerals and replacing the atmosphere with noxious, murky gases. The book Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, and, against the developer's will, the leaked Beta from 2003 and its numerous files, revealed many of the game's original settings and actions that were cut down or removed entirely from the final game. Their name is derived from the fact they launch into the air before landing and exploding. Hopper Mine: Mines that explode when a target gets too near.Sentry Gun: Stationary automatic guns which destroy targets when they come near.Bugbait: Collected from an Antlion Guard, these pods can be thrown to release pheromones, attracting Antlions which will kill any enemies nearby.The only sniper weapon featured in-game, the ammunition is less common, but it will usually kill less powerful enemies in a single shot. Whilst the projectile fired is very powerful, it is slow-moving and enemies will often move out of the way. Crossbow: A long-range weapon that fires red-hot steel rebar onto unsuspecting enemies.

Effective for destroying airborne targets like Combine Gunships. RPG: Fires a rocket-powered grenade that can be aimed using the attached laser.Its secondary fire launches an Energy Ball that destroys enemies instantly and makes them fade into the air after the ball disappears. Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle ( AR2): A pulse rifle developed by the Combine.SPAS-12: A powerful, pump-action shotgun that fires pellets in a cone pattern.It is the second most iconic weapon, next to the crowbar. Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator ( Gravity Gun): Designed for handling hazardous materials, this weapon allows the user to pick up most objects, and optionally launch them into enemies.Ravenholm traps: Created by Father Grigori, these crafty traps can be used to kill zombies.

However, the ammunition is scarce and it has a slower rate of fire. 357 Magnum ( Colt Python revolver): Powerful and accurate, this gun will often kill enemies quickly at close range.
Freeman is forced to battle against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to free Mankind from the Combine. Taking place in and around City 17, nearly two decades after the events of the first game, Half-Life 2 follows the scientist Gordon Freeman as he is thrust into an unfamiliar environment in which the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident has come to bear fully upon human society.